Some Jumbled Thoughts on Nietzsche, Conscience, the Soul, and AngelLike my post about fractals, this was originally part of a conversation on Tea at the Ford. (I miss that place, and those days…) The main…Jul 21, 2022Jul 21, 2022
On Fractals and ExegesisThis is something I wrote back in the day for a now-defunct website called Tea At the Ford (TATF), run by my friend macha. Actually, this…Jul 21, 2022Jul 21, 2022
Assignment sampleStudents will start by writing an introductory paragraph of three to four sentences. Here they will explain why their story is relevant and…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018
I Robot, You Jane (BtVS 1.8)Oh, god, I hate it when they do Italian and I get distracted by how godawful the accents (and translations) are. Why can’t they stick to…Apr 13, 2017Apr 13, 2017
Angel (BtVS 1.7)It’s hard for me to put myself in a mindset of not knowing who Angel is. Since I was a latecomer to the series, I already knew he was a…Apr 12, 2017Apr 12, 2017
The Pack (BtVS 1.6)This is the episode that first really caught my attention. “Huh,” I thought. “I did not expect this show to go there.” The frivolous…Apr 10, 2017Apr 10, 2017
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date (BtVS 1.5)The title of this episode always makes me think of a book I acquired in the eighth grade, titled How To Get A Teenage Boy And What To Do…Apr 10, 2017Apr 10, 2017
Teacher’s Pet (BtVS 1.4)Xander has a white knight complex, and also fantasizes about being a white knight to some helpless creature who looks like Buffy, but…Apr 10, 2017Apr 10, 2017